Gilmore Stabler 小屋

Located near Divide, 科罗拉多州, the cabin enhances the academic, 休闲, and residential programs of the campus. The primary use of the cabin is intended for classes, student organizations, leadership retreats, 体育团队, 学院办公室, 和部门. 虽然它提供了一个放松和有趣的撤退, it is not intended to be a "party" location.

整个学院社区负责保护40英亩的山地财产和小屋. 我们要求所有人在享受美景的同时保护环境,以便参加CC的后代可以享受自然状态的地区.

Capacity and Sleeping Arrangements

Total sleep capacity of 30; 6 bunk beds allowing 12 individuals to sleep upstairs, 6 individual beds downstairs, and 12 sleeping pads that can be spread throughout the cabin.



In order to support the mission of the college, 官方学院相关的预订优先于教职员工的个人预订. 官方学院相关预订将优先按照以下时间表预订舱位. 在优先时间框架之外的预订将以先到者为准, first serve basis. 

Reservations can be made on 峰会.

Gilmore Stabler 小屋 Reservation Timeline

Fall Reservations
August 1st - January 31st

Spring Reservations
February 1st - July 31st

CC Academic Classes 

CC Non-Academic Groups 

CC教员/工作人员 Personal 



Opens August 1st

Opens November 1st

Opens November 15th

Opens January 1st

Reservation Guidelines
  •  The cabin may be reserved for a maximum of 2 nights at a time.  户外教育部门可以批准额外使用.
  • 必须提前在户外教育峰会上预订. 预订请求将通过峰会进行审核和批准. Please allow 48-72 hours for all requests to be processed.
  • Reservation must be requested by a faculty/staff member.

Reservation Priorities

  • CC Classes and Standing Committees
    • 学术班和常务委员会优先考虑.
    • 一名教职员工或管理人员必须陪同学生使用小屋.  这个人必须拿起舱室包和钥匙,并提供预算代码,以防发生费用.
    • There is no charge to use the cabin; however, 如果违反任何规定或客舱损坏,该部门将被收取50美元的费用. Additional fees may be charged depending on extent of damage.
  • CC Non-Academic Groups (部门 and Organizations)
    • 这包括CCSGA特许或学院认可的团体, residential hall wings, leadership retreats, and 体育团队.
    • 教师、职员或管理人员必须陪同学生组织.  教职员工必须领取住宿包和钥匙,并提供预算代码,以防发生费用.
    • Beginning July 1, 2024 there will be a $25 a night charge to use the cabin, 如果违反任何规定或客舱损坏,该部门或组织将被罚款50美元. Additional fees may be charged depending on extent of damage.
  • CC教员 & 工作人员 Personal Reservations
    • 教职员工的个人成员每学期只能预约一次.  Individuals may not have family reunions, wedding receptions, or host outside organizations of any kind. 
    • The charge is $65.00 for an overnight stay.  This must be paid in advance using a credit card on 峰会. 请注意,从2024年7月1日开始,房价将提高到每晚75美元.
    • 有关此政策的问题可直接联系户外教育,电话:719-389-6943.




小屋 Usage Guidelines:

 There is a strict 禁止吸烟 policy on cabin property.

防火禁令更新:CC舱将在5月1日至10月1日期间实行防火禁令. 在此期间,室外火坑内禁止生火.

  • 徒步旅行时,请沿着从停车场开始的小径或道路前往小屋.  It is well marked with paw prints and arrow markers.  这一点非常重要,这样我们就不会破坏客舱环境中脆弱的植物群.  如果天黑后出发或到达,手电筒是必需的.
  • The cabin is equipped with an electric stove, 冰箱, 锅, 咖啡壶, and cooking and eating utensils. Necessary cleaning supplies are provided.
  •  小屋有完整的管道,包括三个淋浴,抽水马桶和热水.  You must bring your own towels.
    • The cabin is not equipped with bedding, you must bring your own sleeping bags and pillows. 这里有12个带床垫的铺位和13个额外的垫子.
    • All food must be carried in.  所有垃圾(包括可回收物和纸板箱)都必须运出.  请不要在客舱或冰箱里留下任何食物,因为这些食物会被吃掉, not by adventurous college students, but instead by hungry mice or smelly bacteria! 
    • Each group using the cabin must leave it clean and sanitized.  Cleaning supplies are located in the kitchen broom closet.  如果机舱没有保持清洁,您将被收取50美元的清洁费.
    • Please use the wood stove wisely.  燃烧时必须关闭炉门或放置防护网.  使用吊扇使上升到天花板的热空气循环.  在离开小屋之前,确保炉门紧闭.  用灶台上的金属桶将炉灰运至甲板西侧楼梯附近的水泥容器中.  throw stove ashes over the deck.
    • Open fires are strictly prohibited.  客舱用户可在客舱西侧的石质壁炉中生火.  在离开房屋之前,确保所有的煤都用水扑灭,并确保壁炉门紧闭.
    • 请确保在您入住结束时完成所附的锁定清单上的所有内容. Guests are required to clean the cabin upon departure.
    • The telephone is for emergency use only.  The number is 719-748-8170.
  • 小屋和周围的学院财产应被视为赌博正规的十大网站校园的延伸,因此所有学院规则都应适用, including the College alcohol policy.   See the Pathfinder for the complete alcohol policy. 
  • 请尊重邻居的隐私和财产界限,并记住,噪音很容易在山谷中传播.
  • Check In is at 12:00pm on the day of the reservation. Check Out is at 12:00pm on the last day of the reservation. 


Contact Information



Report an issue - 最后更新: 04/17/2024