
Selected Faculty Publications

Chantal Figueroa

Figueroa, C, Hernandez-Saca, D. 2021. Dis/ability & Education in Latin America. Palgrave Macmillan. 
Figueroa, C., Y. Zheng. 2020. “危地马拉大学生对心理服务的信念” Journal of Multicultural Counseling.  
Figueroa, C., Castillo, E., Norquist, G., Wells, K., Griffith, K., Kadkhoda, F., Jones, F., Shorter, P., & Bromley, E. 2018. “机会之窗:行为健康政策创新的愿景和战略” Ethnicity and Disease.  
Bromley, E.,Figueroa C., Castillo, E., Kataoka, S., Kadkhoda, F., Miranda, J., Wittington, Menon, K., Jones, F., & Wells, K. 2018. “翻译社区合作研究:从科学到公共政策和实践,” Ethnicity and Disease.   
Kataoka, S., Ijadi-Maghsoodi R., Figueroa, C. 2018. “利益相关者对社区联盟中心理健康社会决定因素的看法” Ethnicity and Disease.  
Khon, R., Ahsan A., Puac-Polanco V., Figueroa, C., Lopez-Soto., Morgan, K., Saldivia, S., Vicente, B. 2018. “对美洲精神健康治疗差距的重新审视” Pan American Journal of Public Health. Revista Panamericana de Salud Mental.  
Sommer, M., Figueroa, C., Kwauk, C., Jones, M. 2017. “月经卫生管理在全球教育政策中的沉默”, International Journal of Educational Development
Figueroa, C. 2015年,《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》, Landscapes of Violence (3)1.

Kathy Giuffre

Giuffre, Katherine. 2013. 社区与网络:用社会网络分析重新思考城市与社区研究. Cambridge: Polity.

Giuffre, Katherine. 2013. "Cultural Production in Networks" in the 国际社会与行为科学百科全书, 2nd Edition, Elsevier.

Giuffre, Katherine. 2010. 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》." Culture Unbound 2:819-846.

Giuffre, Katherine. 2010. “本地人的回归:全球化与负面关系”." Poetics 37(4):333-347

Giuffre, Katherine. 2009. 集体创造力:南太平洋的艺术与社会. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

Giuffre, Katherine. 2001. 《心理地图:社交网络和评论语言." Sociological Inquiry 71:381-393.

Giuffre, Katherine. 1999. 《机会的沙堆:艺术界的成功." Social Forces 77(3):815-832.

Cayce Hughes

Cayce C. Hughes. 2020. “一栋房子,但不是家”:监控是如何得到补贴的
住房加剧贫困,加剧边缘化.” Social Forces (epub ahead
of print).

Cayce C. Hughes. 2018. “不出外勤:作为一个看不见的(变性)人研究隐私和信息披露”.在D 'Lane Compton, Tey Meadow和Kristen Schilt. (Eds.) Other, Please Specify: Queer Methods in Sociology (pp. 111-125). University of California Press: Berkeley.

Cayce C. Hughes. 2018. 《从国家的长臂到街道上的眼睛:有多穷
非裔美国母亲在社会安全网的监视中导航.” Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography 48(3): 339-376.

Cayce C. 休斯,克里斯汀·希尔特,布里奇特·戈尔曼,詹妮弗·布拉特. 2017. “Framing the Faculty
Gender Gap: A View from STEM Doctoral Students.” Gender, Work & Organization
24(4): 398-41

Cayce C. Hughes, Amanda L. Jones, Kristen A. Feemster, Alexander G. Fiks. 2011. “HPV
BMC Pediatrics 11:74.

Joanna Maselko, Cayce C. Hughes, Rose Cheney. 2011. “Religious Social Capital: Its
健康的社会决定因素研究中的测量和效用.” Social Science
and Medicine 73(5): 759-767.

Cayce C. Hughes, Susan S. Sherman, Robert C. Whitaker. 2010. “How Low-income Mothers
学龄前儿童肥胖的原因.” Qualitative Health Research
20(4): 465-478.

Cayce C. Hughes, Rachel A. Gooze, Daniel F. Finkelstein, Robert C. Whitaker. 2010
“Barriers to Obesity Prevention in Head Start.” Health Affairs 29(3): 454-462.

Vanessa Muñoz

Muñoz, Vanessa Lopes. Forthcoming. “每个人都必须思考——我的午餐里有花生和坚果吗??《学校护士、集体依从性和儿童食物过敏》. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Muñoz, Vanessa Lopes. Forthcoming. Review of 检验命运:泰-萨克斯病和负责任的权利 by Shelley Z. Reuter, University of Minnesota Press, 2016. Social Forces.

Lareau, Annette and Vanessa Lopes Muñoz. 2017. "Conflict in Public Sociology". The Sociological Quarterly 58(1): 19-23.

Lareau, Annette and Vanessa Lopes Muñoz. 2012. “‘你不会发号施令’:一所郊区公立小学校长与专利商标局局长之间的结构性冲突。." Sociology of Education 85(3): 201-218.

Conrad, Peter and Vanessa Lopes Muñoz. 2010. "Notes on the Medicalization of Chronic Pain.《赌博正规的十大网站》/《赌博正规的十大网站》,《赌博正规的十大网站》,第三期,13:13-24.

Gail Murphy-Geiss

Murphy-Geiss, Gail, Wade T. Roberts, and Douglas J. Miles. 2014. “一种方式不适合所有人:另一种亲密伴侣暴力法庭的案例研究”." Feminist Criminology.

Murphy-Geiss, Gail. 2012. 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》,第1章 女性、教会和领导力:21世纪的新范式st Century, edited by Eunjoo M. Kim and Deborah Creamer. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.

Murphy-Geiss, Gail. 2011. “与牧师结婚:神职人员配偶作为单身两人职业的一部分的地位” Family Issues 32:7 (July): 932-55.

Murphy-Geiss, Gail, Dana Rosenfeld and Lara Foley. 2010. 助产士作为既定教派:教会-教派连续体的扩展应用." Community, Work and Family. 13(1):101-122.

Murphy-Geiss, Gail. 2010. 穆斯林母性:变化背景下的传统." 21世纪的母亲:经验、身份、政策和代理.. Edited by Andrea O'Reilly. NY: Columbia University Press.

Murphy-Geiss, Gail. 2010. “一种方式不适合所有人:一个替代性亲密伴侣暴力法庭的个体化治疗案例研究”,这篇论文是在科罗拉多州家庭暴力研究和行动联盟的一个小组上发表的, Denver, CO.

Murphy-Geiss, Gail. 2009. 《赌博正规的十大网站》,这篇论文发表在宗教研究协会年会上, Denver, CO.

Murphy-Geiss, Gail. 2008. “将事实带入生活:促进学生参与家庭暴力问题”." Teaching Sociology 36(4).

Murphy-Geiss, Gail. 2007. 《赌博正规的十大网站》." Review of Religious Research 48:260-272.

Eric Popkin

罗杰·瓦尔丁格,埃里克·波普金,赫克托·阿奎莱斯·马加纳. 2008. “跨界社区的冲突与争论:对家乡协会的重新评估” Ethnic and Racial Studies 31(5):843-870.

Popkin, Eric. 2005. “连接圣尤拉利亚和洛杉矶的危地马拉跨国社区中泛玛雅族群的出现。." Current Sociology 53:675-706.

Popkin, Eric. 2003. 战后外围国家的跨国移民和发展:危地马拉和萨尔瓦多国家与洛杉矶移民人口联系的考察." Current Sociology 51:347-374.

Wade Roberts

Murphy-Geiss, Gail, Wade T. Roberts, and Douglas J. Miles. 2014. “一种方式不适合所有人:另一种亲密伴侣暴力法庭的案例研究”." Feminist Criminology.

Beer, Todd, Tim Bartley, and Wade T. Roberts. 2012. "NGOs: Between Advocacy, Service
Provision, and Regulation." Pp. 325-338 in Oxford Handbook of Governance. Oxford
University Press.

Roberts, Wade T., Lisa M. Martinez, and Sophie Kauffman. 2010. 自评健康的种族/民族差异:社会信任的中介作用." Sociological Focus.

Gallmeyer, Alice and Wade T. Roberts. 2009. 发薪日贷款人和经济困境社区:金融掠夺的空间分析." The Social Science Journal 46(3):521-538.

Roberts, Wade T. 2009. 世界社会,计划生育项目和儿童健康." 社会学与社会政策国际杂志 29(7/8):414-425.

罗伯茨、韦德(埃里克·佩拉蒙德和克里斯·杰克逊). 2007. “课程、拓展与研究:文理学院本科生研究的三种模式”." CUR Quarterly 27(3).

Roberts, Wade (with Tim Bartley). 2006. 关系剥削:临时工中介的非正式组织." Working USA 9:41-58.

Roberts, Wade T. 2005. “公民社会的不平衡全球化和人类发展的跨国差异的后果." 社会学与社会政策国际杂志 25:118-114.

Roberts, Wade T. and Tim Bartley. 2004. 日工的工资:临时工行业中无家可归的工人." Journal of Poverty 8(3):65-89.

Sandi Wong

Wong, Sandra. 2002. 管理多样性:制度和教育变革的政治. Rowman & Littlefield.


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