Senior Capstone Experience

There are two parts of the required senior capstone experience:

  1. Complete a senior capstone course during the last 2 semesters prior to graduation
  2. Attend re搜索 研讨会s & turn in 3 abstracts


学生 may fulfill the capstone course requirement by completing a senior thesis (BE499), completing a re搜索 block that requires a substantial written re搜索 report with literature background (e.g. BE409, if the supervising faculty member requires that the student meet the capstone course description and the department approves a petition - find petition form online) or successfully completing a designated capstone course that draws upon a body of knowledge, 视角, and experiences developed over the entire course of the OBE major (see above for a list of approved capstone courses). A capstone experience must be integrative across more than one level of biological organization, e.g. genome-metabolism-organism, genome-organism-evolution, or genome-physiology. 此外, a capstone course must include at least two of the following elements: a critique of primary literature; a 研讨会-style discussion of primary literature; a written proposal, 口头报告, or paper that requires synthetic thinking; substantive opportunities designed to broaden student understanding of inquiry and re搜索 methods in OBE. A course may only fulfill the capstone requirement if taken during the last two semesters before graduating; the intent is for students to bring to a given course the full complement of their biology education at 科罗拉多大学.

Following completion of a senior capstone course, students will be able to …

  • Critique primary literature, providing theoretical context for the literature discussed
  • Analyze a body of re搜索 including primary literature, explain application and relevance of the findings, and describe potential future directions of the re搜索 topic
  • Select appropriate primary literature papers relevant for a re搜索 project, 研讨会, or re搜索 proposal
  • Organize information from multiple sources (primary literature, 评论文章, original re搜索) into a cohesive 口头报告 or written report or proposal. Presentations or reports may be of any length (as decided by the supervising faculty) but should provide evidence of synthesis of information across levels of biological organization

If you have questions concerning these requirements, see your academic advisor in the OBE Department.


专业 must submit satisfactory abstracts from 3 OBE-approved 研讨会s. Attend acceptable 研讨会s (see below), 总结, and email each abstract to both Donna Sison ( and your advisor by the first day of the block following the 研讨会. Abstracts submitted after this day will generally not be accepted. You must declare an OBE major and be a junior or senior before abstracts can count. Declared majors receive e-mail notices of OBE 研讨会s, which are also on the departmental web page.


-OBE Department 研讨会s, including the keynote address at OBE Day;

-Biology 研讨会s at UCCS, CU, CSU, DU, CU medical school, and Penrose or Memorial Hospitals;

-Selected 研讨会s from other science departments at CC. In your abstract clearly link the 研讨会 to OBE.

Ask your academic advisor before you attend non-OBE 研讨会s.

-不合格的: student presentations, including OBE Day talks.


-Limited to one printed page.

- See Appendix III of major's handbook for an example. Each abstract must be clear, 简洁的, 编写良好的, and complete to be accepted by your advisor and the department.

-Follow the spirit of the CC Honor Code; this obviously includes attending the 研讨会 and writing the abstract in your own words.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/17/2020