
Updated August 1, 2023


不是女权主义 & 性别研究 a department?

是的! As of May 2023, 女权主义 & 性别研究 is now a department!

What is the department's mission statement?

女权主义 & 性别研究 Department fosters inquiry into structures and modes of power as they are mediated by gender, 性, 种族和民族, class, 种姓, nation and citizenship, 年龄, 和能力. 通过教学, 奖学金, 和服务, we study and develop critical interdisciplinary and feminist theories and practices in collaboration with artists, 积极分子, and scholars at 科罗拉多大学 and beyond.

What is the department's vision statement?

女权主义 & 性别研究 aims to embody a feminist ethos of critical eng年龄ment and responsiveness that is attentive to shifting relations of power; to be an intellectual, 政治, and creative space for the pursuit of exemplary collaborative initiatives locally, 区域, 在全国范围内, and trans在全国范围内; and to remain conversant with myriad intellectual legacies while reimagining the possibilities of feminist knowledge and practice.

Who is the Academic Administrative Assistant?

Tiffany Moore is the Academic Administrative Assistant for the 女权主义 & 性别研究 Department, as well as the Asian Studies Program and Race, the Ethnicity, & Migration Studies Department . 看到她 完整的配置文件.

When did the department graduate its first students?

The first class of 女权主义 & 性别研究 (then Women's Studies) minors graduated in 1987. 他们是莫妮卡·J. 史蒂芬妮·A·巴克森. 希拉·唐纳森著. 法尔,安·H. Lenz和Kristin L. Mernitz. The first class of 女权主义 & 性别研究 (also then Women's Studies) majors graduated in 1998. 他们是布莱克·H. 布里安娜. Kerstein, and Christina A. 皮尔森. Blake and Briana were advised by 玛格丽特Duncombe (Professor Emerita, Sociology), and Christina was advised by 夏洛特门多萨 (Professor Emerita, Education). In 2005, the name of the major was changed to 女权主义 and 性别研究.   

什么是女权主义者 & 性别研究 Advisory Board and how can I be involved?

As a department we have graduated the 女权主义 & 性别研究 Advisory Board, and are no longer accepting applicants. 当女权主义者 & 性别研究 faculty recognize the significance of intergenerational and transdisciplinary collectivity, we have grown as a department and recognize the value of reaching out to our fellow faculty as needed rather than requiring more meeting time from them. We value collaboration, and will continue our collaborative initiatives in other ways.

女权主义 & 性别研究 Advisory Board was initially implemented in Spring 2018. The Advisory Board consisted of two full-time faculty who supported the department in various capacities for two to three years (barring extenuating circumstances, such as sabbaticals):


拿俄米木, Chair and Associate Professor of Spanish & 葡萄牙语
Natanya滑轮, Assistant Professor of English


Tomi-Ann罗伯茨, Chair and Professor of Psychology 
盖尔Murphy-Geiss, Chair and Professor or Sociology

How do I cross-list a course with 女权主义 & 性别研究?

As of February 2019, cross-list proposals must converse with our revised mission and vision statements,以及我们的新 course-level guidelines. 除了, we are currently in the process of articulating the pedagogical principles underlying our curriculum with which we would like cross-list course proposals to eng年龄 moving forward.  We are therefore not accepting any new proposals for cross-listing classes at this time. If you have any questions about this, please email Guessous教授, Chair of the FGS Department.  

What is the Transnational Feminisms Grant for Re搜索 & Teaching and how can I apply?

All full- and part-time faculty are invited to apply for grants to support 研究 and/or teaching in Transnational Feminisms. Funds may be used to support seminar or workshop participation, attendance at conferences or meetings, 研究, or teaching enhancement. For more information, contact the Dean of 教师.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 11/07/2023