
The Department of 化学 and 生物化学 has a vibrant and active re搜索 community with our undergraduate students regularly participating throughout the academic year and summers in the re搜索 programs of the department's twelve full- and part-time faculty members. 在过去的五年中(2009-2014),大约有20篇论文发表。, 其中一半是学生共同撰写的. 除了, some 40-50 poster presentations have been given during this same period at professional meetings including the American Chemical Society, 匹兹堡和戈登研究会议, 美国科学教师协会, 以及万花筒计划工作坊.

The college's library has online access to the entire collection of the American Chemical Society and most Academic Press and Elsevier journals in addition to some 60 cognate journals for both teaching and re搜索 use. 此外,学院还订阅了SciFinder Scholar和 科学网 协助全体教员的研究工作.

The department is home to an array of modern-day instrumentation for undergraduate use and has dedicated laboratory space for collaborative faculty-student re搜索. 研究 programs within the department range from the development and application of novel nano-optical sensors, 物质文化保护, 能源和环境面临的问题, 北极生物地球化学氮循环, to the design and development of new antibiotics based on natural product scaffolds. 有关学院具体研究项目的更多信息, 请查阅他们的个人网页或直接与他们联系.

The role of student/faculty collaborative re搜索 in the Department of 化学 and 生物化学
学生研究在培养新科学家方面起着重要作用. Our goal for your re搜索 experience (either during the block or during the summer) is that you gain experience in the techniques of a chemistry sub discipline that you have strong interest in. 我们也希望在这个学科中加强你的批判性思维能力. 你需要有创造性地思考, 独立解决问题, 对你正在研究的内容进行博学的讨论和写作. 您还需要证明其可靠性, 职业道德, 关注道德, 作为一名专业科学家需要有安全意识. 研究 is incredibly rewarding, but at times it can be hard, frustrating, and tedious. If you are looking for an "easy block" or to get paid for hanging out in the lab for the summer you have yet to build a good idea of what re搜索 is.

Are you thinking of a block of re搜索 as an elective in the chemistry major or for your requirement in the biochemistry major? Perhaps you would like a re搜索 block as a block to count toward your minor in chemistry or biochemistry or just because you want in depth exposure to re搜索 in this discipline. You will want to start planning your re搜索 block a year to a year and a half in advance. 阅读教师的研究领域. Schedule (probably by e-mail) a time to talk to the faculty member you are interested in working with. You will want to find out what the pre-requisites are for the project you are interested in working on. (你需要吃有机食品吗, 生物化学或分析在参与这类研究之前?) Before block 7 pre-registration determine when the re搜索 blocks are for the faculty members you are interested in re搜索ing with and confirm that they are willing to take you as a re搜索 student for these blocks. 设计你的日程安排,让这段时间可以用来做研究. 你不需要在研究块上出价任何点, 但是你需要和你的导师一起填写一份独立学习表格.

There are opportunities for 10 weeks of stipend supported summer re搜索 at 科罗拉多大学 or the possibility of combining a 3.5 week summer block (you pay tuition and receive academic credit for this portion of the re搜索) with 6.5周的暑期研究津贴. This amount of time will allow you to both learn techniques relative to the discipline you are conducting re搜索 in and make incremental to significant progress on the project. Many of our summer students have obtained enough data to present their re搜索 at local, 区域, 国家, 并在国内召开了该学科的国际会议. If you do participate in summer re搜索 you will be required to present your findings at some level to the broader scientific community.

你是如何参与暑期研究的? 你应该开始计划了.提前5年到6个月. Most positions for summer re搜索 in the department are being decided by professors by the third week of Block 5. 你需要和我们中的2到3个人讨论我们的研究. 你会希望在第5块之前做好这件事! (通过电子邮件预约, 我们期待与您见面,我们很高兴与您谈论研究, but if you just drop in you may catch us at time that we are busy doing something else. 无意中,我们可能会给人粗鲁或轻蔑的印象, but really you have just caught us at time when we do not have time to speak about our re搜索.) When you do talk to us we will tell you about our ongoing projects and you should mention any independent ideas you think we could mentor you with. 取决于时间因素, 资金, and feasibility you may have the option of pursuing a project of your design or working with us to advance existing re搜索 (you will have a fair amount of room for independent on either type of project). 作为项目讨论的一部分,一定要讨论资金选择. 如果你不知道从哪里开始融资,我们会有一些想法. 由于你的保险范围的合法性, 我们的仪器, 还有其他学校财产, 还有公平问题我们不能让你自愿参加暑期研究.

美国国家科学基金会-本科生研究经验(NSF-REU): The 研究 Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active re搜索 participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of re搜索 funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing re搜索 programs or in re搜索 projects designed especially for the purpose.

NSF funds a large number of re搜索 opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the re搜索 programs of the host institution. 每个学生都有一个特定的研究项目, 他/她在哪里与教师和其他研究人员密切合作. 学生 are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. REU站点可能位于美国或国外.

For the Locations of NSF-REU Sites in Different Disciplines, Click on the Various Links Below:


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报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/05/2024


