Application Materials

What do I need to apply to law school?


The LSAT即法学院入学考试,是每个学生在申请法学院之前都要参加的考试. Law schools rely heavily on this test score; take it very seriously. There are several options to study. 请和Doug, Mike和Gretchen谈谈他们的策略,因为他们是不同的. 这完全取决于你作为考生和你的学习习惯. 尽管如此,还是要花时间真正理解所有组件. Remember, 分数越高,就能进入排名更高的学校,获得更高的助学金.

Exam Logistics

  • 当你报名参加LSAT考试时,你会被要求上传一张照片. 此照片必须与您在考试当天带到考试中心的身份证件相符. 例如,不要上传你戴着帽子和太阳镜的照片.
  • The test consists of five 35-minute sections of multiple-choice questions. 五个部分中的四个被考虑,一个被用作未来测试的预测试. 在考试时,你不知道哪一部分不算数.
  • The sections include one Reading Comprehension section, one Analytical Reasoning section, and two Logical Reasoning sections.

LSAC helps as much as they can. Fee waivers are possible as well as accommodations. Please don't hesitate to ask for assistance. They are here to help!


法学院对你的过去很好奇,因此想看你的简历. Your resume doesn't need to have multiple law experiences included; each law school is looking for a well-rounded individual. The Career Center has several examples online.

Personal Statement

This is where law schools really get to know you. Remember, this is a personal statement, not an academic paper; write in first person using I statements and descriptive, feeling words.

Here are some tips for writing your statement:

  • 注意每个法学院提供的提示. 一些学校会要求一些具体的东西,而另一些则会更笼统.
  • Usually these statements are two pages, double spaced. 有些学校允许更长的时间,但请先查看个别学校的要求.
  • Law schools read thousands of essays a year. What will make them remember you? 包括一个关于你的具体故事或轶事,然后是如何激发你对法学院的兴趣或为你的法律职业做准备.
  • 把你的经历与你进入法学院的准备联系起来. 这可能包括学术、运动、俱乐部、实习和/或工作经历. What are your skills and strengths?
  • 谈谈为什么这所法学院很适合你, your area of interest, and potentially the location. 最有可能的是,这不会是你文章的重点,但修改你的文章总是有帮助的.
  • Avoid using quotes from anyone famous.
  • 在这一点上,你不必知道你想从事哪种类型的法律. It's okay to be general.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread! 利用你在学校和家里的资源去寻找另一双眼睛.
  • 记住使用你的语气、你的想法和你的写作风格. Often, 善意的校对员可能会重写陈述,而你的故事可能会在混乱中丢失.
  • When saving and uploading to your LSAC account, carefully name each essay. 用一份针对竞争学校的陈述来申请是非常尴尬的!


You may not need to write an addendum. 如果需要向招生委员会解释某些事情,则使用附录, specifically disciplinary issues, an academic issue, or particular interest in this school because of legacy. This is not a long essay. 如果你正在解释你的应用程序的潜在问题,请简短. 解释这个问题,说明你是如何解决的,或者你从中学到了什么. Don't make excuses; accept responsibility. Humility is the key word here. Please talk with the pre-law advisor for help. 要知道法学院并不期望你完美,他们理解生活的变化. It is, however, important to own your mistakes.


法学院需要你所就读的每一所学院或大学的成绩单. Yes, 包括你的留学组织——你的CC成绩单上的转学成绩是不够的. CC的注册主任办公室会把你的成绩单直接寄到 LSAC site. This request usually takes three-five business days, 但请注意,在办公室的繁忙时期,他们可能无法适应这个时间框架. 有关如何索取成绩单的更多信息,请访问 Registrar's website.

Letters of Recommendation

推荐信应该包括智力实力的具体例子, analytical ability, research skills, maturity, judgment, motivation, and leadership. 教师写的信最重要,因为它们可以说明你在学术环境中的表现,并讨论你在法学院的潜在成功. So, try your hardest to take more than one class with a professor or two; basing your success on one class alone can be difficult. 老师对你了解得越多,他们就越能写你的文章.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

In a word: respectfully! Remember that letter writers are not obligated to help you, 尊重他们的时间会帮助你得到一封更好的信. Ask several months ahead of time. Ask if they are willing to write a positive, strong letter. 如果你感觉到任何犹豫,那就去找别人吧. 这些信件是至关重要的,最好的信件是很重要的.

如果他们的回答是肯定的,问问他们想从你这里得到什么,这样你才能最好地帮助他们. Some may say they don't need anything. Others may ask for your entire application. Things to consider having on hand for your letter writers:

  • Resume
  • Personal statement
  • A list of classes you've taken
  • Thesis or thesis abstract
  • Transcript
  • A list of schools and deadlines to which you are applying

请记得给每个推荐人发一封感谢信和一份最新的信息. 这些人花了时间帮助你,现在轮到你更新他们了. Trust us, they'll appreciate it!

有关推荐信的更多信息,请查看我们的 Letters of Recommendation VS References Guide.

Dean's Certification Form

Some law schools require a Dean's Certification Form. 它提供了关于你本科生涯中学术和学科问题的信息. 如果需要填写,应该在个别学校的申请上很明显. 当学校收到这份表格中的信息时,他们不应该感到震惊——任何问题都应该在你的附录中披露. 如果您有顾虑,请务必事先与法律预科顾问讨论. 在CC,院长的证明表格通过学生生活办公室处理. Please talk with the Dean of Students to complete the form.


Report an issue - Last updated: 06/29/2023